Trump-McConnell praised for 200th judicial confirmation

June 24, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for getting the 200th judge confirmed since Jan. 2017:

“President Trump has appointed and had confirmed 200 federal judges. To put this into perspective, there are only 870 federal judges on the bench, meaning the President has already impacted almost 23 percent of the federal judiciary.

“Why does this matter? You only have to look at today’s ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to put a writ of mandamus on the Judge Emmet Sullivan who was seeking to continue the prosecution of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. The opinion overturning Judge Sullivan and demanding he allow the Justice Department to dismiss the charges against Flynn was written by Trump appointee Naomi Rao. Rao’s clear concise opinion that upholds the rule of law and the Constitution is a refreshing change from the out of control federal judiciary that we’ve become all too accustomed to. If you don’t think judges matter, ask Lt. Gen. Flynn. To him, they made all the difference in the world.

“Due to President Trump’s aggressive approach to finding and appointing constitutionally solid jurists, it is fair to say the federal judiciary has been changed for a generation. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have done a great job of tag-teaming judicial nominations and deserve the thanks of those of us who believe in constitutional limited governance.”

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