Judge’s decision to allow amicus filings in closing Flynn case breaks judicial system

May 12, 2020, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting Judge Emmet Sullivan’s decision to consider amicus filings in deciding whether to allow the Michael Flynn case to be dismissed:

“The U.S. District Judge overseeing the Michael Flynn case has just broken the judicial system with his decision to consider arguments presented by nonparties before he acts on the U.S. Justice Department’s motion to dismiss with prejudice the charges against Lt. Gen. Flynn.  Permitting amicus briefs in this context would be tantamount to allowing any U.S. citizen to contest in federal court the decision of the Obama Justice Department to not prosecute Hillary Clinton for her proven mishandling of classified materials.

“The Attorney General of the United States should contest this decision to the Supreme Court if necessary. Sullivan’s decision would turn our federal court system into a battle of busybodies with little concern for justice for the accused, and it is antithetical to the most basic legal principles of our nation.”

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Updated May 13 at 7:55 a.m. EST.