Twitter censorship of legitimate COVID treatment alternatives is wrong

April 27, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting Twitter for temporarily suspending the account of Aytu BioScience:

“Twitter’s decision to take down a legitimate biotech company’s discussion about ultraviolet light therapy as a possible treatment for the China-originated virus is repulsive at its core. The simple idea that internet platforms should be the arbiters of information that is clearly being considered at the top level of the government brings into question whether platforms like Twitter should be declared liable under the Communications Decency Act, that has offered liability protections in the past. While Twitter eventually reinstated the account of this scientific research company, the very fact that Twitter’s non-scientists interjected their political opinion based on their dislike of all things Trump makes them no better or worse than the Huffington Post and they should be legally treated the same way.”

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