March 26, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the latest jobless claims numbers:
“The devastation of the Chinese virus has washed across the nation. No, it isn’t in millions ill and hundreds of thousands dying, no, it is the despair of unemployment as the weekly unemployment claims skyrocketed from 270,000 last week to 3.2 million this week. After the free enterprise system created a record economy with more people employed in history and fewer unemployed than at any time since the turn of the century, the response to the Chinese virus shutdown has crashed it. But jobs are more than a place to go, they are the embodiment of how we achieve our dreams, either through what we create or build or through what we do with the money we earn.
“The threat of the Chinese virus to cause as many as a million and a half deaths drove the shutdown decisions, but today we were given 3.2 million reasons to get America back to work as soon as possible. President Trump is right to push ahead in his efforts to defeat both the virus and the economic devastation it is leaving in its wake.”
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