Congressional spending may be even more insane than impeachment

Dec. 20, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the $1.4 trillion omnibus spending package:

“Now that some of the smoke has cleared from impeachment, it cannot be lost that Congress once again failed miserably at showing any kind of fiscal discipline in passing the $1.4 trillion spending bill. It is absurd that in a time of unprecedented prosperity, Congress continues to expand domestic spending. Times of prosperity should be opportunities to cut deficits and restrain the cost of government programs, while still meeting the basic safety net needs of those left behind. The fact that Congress continues a wild spending spree bodes poorly for our nation’s ability to afford the real costs of an economic downturn that will eventually happen. The President needs to make fiscal sanity a key component of his 2020 presidential campaign so that in 2021, there will be a political will to significantly cut the exorbitant cost of government. He can start by promoting and defending his own budget, which has in the past provided a pathway to balance with trillions of cuts, when it gets released early next year.”

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