Sprint-T-Mobile merger will increase 5G competition, group of state Attorneys General are wrong

June 11, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to a group of state Attorneys General suing to stop the Sprint-T-Mobile merger:

“It is disappointing but not surprising that a group of state Attorneys General are desperately trying to derail the proposed merger between Sprint and T-Mobile.

“It is well documented that this merger will increase competition in the coming 5G markets, significantly expand high speed Internet access in a vast majority of rural America, provide a third national carrier to compete with AT&T and Verizon as well as create good paying American jobs. This merger will deliver important benefits to the constituents of each and every attorney general involved in the legal action. That is why the merger has the support of 18 of 19 state public utilities commissions, including New York, as well as FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

“I hope regulators see for what it truly is, which is a delay tactic. If America is going to win the critical global race to 5G, then we cannot allow politicians who are out of step with the needs of their constituents to dictate national telecom policy.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 1 or at media@limitgov.org
