AT&T discrimination against conservatives needs to stop

April 29, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging AT&T to deal with websites seeking ad dollars on an even-handed footing regardless of political viewpoints after discrimination against conservative websites was revealed by the National Center of Public Policy Research:

“Recently it was revealed that AT&T has engaged in discriminatory activity against conservative websites seeking advertising revenues. AT&T should take two steps to make certain that the enormous power of the AT&T-Time Warner merger is not abused in the future. First, everyone involved in the discriminatory activity should be fired. Second, AT&T should enter into an agreement with the Justice Department that prevents political discrimination on their platforms in the future as a sign of good faith.

“Americans for Limited Government agrees with the Justice Department’s original position that the AT&T Time Warner merger should not have been allowed to occur, and continues to be extremely concerned about the vertical consolidation of media. Now it is up to AT&T to make certain that they institute policies that mitigate the legitimate concerns revolving around this massive abuse of power.”

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