ALG urges President Trump to veto Congress resolution overturning national emergency on border, launches

March 14, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging President Donald Trump to veto a resolution disapproving of his national emergency declaration on the southern border, and for Congressional Republicans to sustain the veto by launching :

“President Trump is well within his constitutional authority vested in him to veto a resolution by Congress overturning his national emergency declaration on the southern border, and that is absolutely what he should do. Congress has failed to adequately secure the border, leaving President Trump with little option but to use Congress’ limited grant of authority to reprogram uncommitted military construction funds to build the wall and other fencing needed to keep drugs, gangs and human trafficking at bay. It is then up to Republicans in Congress, enough of them, to vote to sustain President’s veto, doing everything in their power to help President Trump secure the border and address the national emergency and humanitarian crisis there.”


“Senate to pass meaningless resolution blocking Trump from building wall that Trump will just veto,” By Robert Romano, March 6, 2019 at

“If Congressional GOP votes to overturn national emergency declaration to build wall, they will prove President Trump is right about the swamp,” By Robert Romano, Feb. 22, 2019 at

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 1 or at to arrange an interview.
