Support Palmer Amendment #40 to Interior minibus to defund D.C. individual mandate

July 18, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of an amendment by U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Ala.) to H.R. 6147 that would prohibit the use of funds by the government of Washington, D.C. to institute an individual mandate to purchase health insurance for D.C. residents:

“In June, the D.C. government instituted an individual mandate to purchase health insurance for D.C. residents in defiance of the new tax law that ended the individual mandate. Considering Congress explicitly ended this practice already, D.C. has absolutely no authority to compel individuals to purchase insurance, something the House can clarify today by passing U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer’s amendment. The D.C. government operates under Article I of the Constitution, and it is up to Congress to ensure that it is carrying out the laws of the United States. We support the Palmer amendment and so should every member of Congress.”

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