Jan. 3, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging that India be removed from the General System of Preferences:
“Given India’s continued rhetoric on free trade and its $2.3 trillion Gross Domestic Product, it is time for the U.S. to consider removing India from the General System of Preferences, a federal program of which it is the number one beneficiary at $4.7 billion a year. Right now, the U.S. does not receive similar trade preferences in return, and it is time that India join the U.S. in pursuing shared interests on free markets, intellectual property and labor. A bilateral trade deal with India would be preferable to the blanket approach offered by the General System of Preferences, where India is treated the same as small, undeveloped countries. It is time for India meet the promise of their Make In India campaign and leave the little kids trade table and join the adults in a bilateral deal with the United States.”
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