Trump right on trade

Nov. 16, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising President Donald Trump’s call for reciprocal trade agreements overseas:

“President Trump is exactly right in calling for America’s trade deals to be reciprocal. The concept that America’s interests should be sidelined for the rest of the world is no longer viable or smart. To be clear, reciprocal arrangements are ones which meet the interests of both parties involved and no one should feel threatened by having honest trade deals, which benefits everyone. It is absurd for developed nations like China to still be treated as if they were a third world country. And it is equally absurd for nations across the world to be allowed to engage in currency manipulation which serves as an extra tariff on American goods. President Trump once again has shown that he understands the key economic elements that have led to our massive trade deficit and Americans should take heart that he will be fighting to correct them.”


“Reciprocity is the only sustainable path to free trade,” By Rick Manning, Nov. 15, 2017 at

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