Cost-sharing is the leverage, not the deal

Oct. 17, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the idea of reinstating the $7 billion a year cost-sharing program under Obamacare bailing out insurers in exchange for very little:

“President Trump’s original decision to withhold the $7 billion a year health insurer cost-sharing should provide the necessary leverage to pass real, structural reforms of Obamacare, along the lines of Graham-Cassidy. President Trump and Speaker Ryan hold the keys to making this a reality and given their most recent statements there is reason for hope that the Republicans in Congress will finally find the votes to keep their Obamacare repeal and replace promise. Both the President and the Speaker seem to recognize that bailing out the health insurers via cost-sharing reinstatement was never part of anyone’s campaign pledge. However, if some short-term subsidization is needed to politically cross the finish line on repeal and replace, while nauseating, that is the art of the deal that might be necessary to lift the Obamacare burden off of the American public and our national economy.”

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