House passes continuing resolution, now go home

Dec. 8, 2016, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government senior editor Robert Romano today issued the following statement on House passage of H.R. 2028, the continuing resolution that will keep the government funded until April 28, 2017:

“The short-term continuing resolution should have been the first and last thing the House dealt with this lame duck session. Instead, the House has been on a marathon passing bills on suspension the past few days, easily surpassing the two-thirds majorities needed to suspend House rules. The margins for passage on these bills are not even close. If these bills are so popular, why couldn’t they have been passed months ago, before the election? Then at least voters could have held their representatives accountable for their votes. Maybe they were too busy campaigning.

“As it is, now that the spending bill is done, the House should get the heck out of town. Stop passing legislation. Go home already.”

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