Senate votes to abolish Sharia law in Brunei… just kidding

May 19, 2015, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to a 92 to 0 vote in the Senate to “establish consideration of the conditions relating to religious freedom of parties to trade negotiations as an overall negotiating objective of the United States”:

“The unanimous vote in favor of our trading partners respecting the religious freedom of their residents highlights the futility of the fast track amending process, as if the Senate alone was voting to abolish Sharia law. Brunei, one of the eleven trading partners in the soon to be completed Trans-Pacific Partnership, practices Sharia law, and this amendment will not do a thing to stop it. Senators can support these show votes all they want, but ultimately, they must reject fast track because all of these amendments highlight very good reasons to reject the deal, and none of them will alleviate those concerns.”

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