Senate must not rubber stamp mass surveillance program

May 29, 2015, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging there to be a vote on the National Security Agency mass surveillance program in the current debate over renewing the Patriot Act:

“The major civil liberties issue of our time is government surveillance of its citizens, and what sort of society we want to live in. And it should be debated in Congress to ensure the Constitution is followed. It is astonishing that a decision could be made renewing the Patriot Act without a full public accounting of the vast surveillance programs that were revealed in 2013. After 9/11, one of the cautions was not to let the terrorists win by fundamentally altering the constitutional relationship between government and the people. Renewing the Patriot Act without a vote specifically on the unconstitutional mass data collection blindly eviscerates the Fourth Amendment — and that would mean that the terrorists, in one way, have already won.”


“House authorizes NSA mass surveillance program,” By Robert Romano, May 14, 2015 at

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