Senate Republicans block unemployment benefits extension

Jan. 14, 2014, Faifax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Nathan Mehrens today issued the following statement praising Senate Republicans for blocking an extension of unemployment benefits:

“It is refreshing that Senate Republicans have found the backbone to stop Harry Reid’s attempt to jam through a massive unemployment insurance extension spending increase without making the necessary cuts to pay for it.  It is time for Congress to have an honest discussion about Obama policies, including Obamacare and runaway environmental regulations, that are exasperating this long-term unemployment crisis, rather than just passing the buck on to future taxpayers.

“Currently, those who have the misfortune of being unemployed receive more than six months of benefits, and with the Obama Administration’s Labor Department reporting that the unemployment rate has shrunk to 6.7 percent, it just may be time to end the extension altogether.”

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