Archives for January 2013

ALG urges House yes vote on Mulvaney, Bishop amendments to disaster relief bill

Jan. 15, 2013, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement urging the House of Representatives to adopt amendments to the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill by Representatives Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Rob Bishop (R-UT):

“It is disheartening and sad to see the House Rules Committee block many amendments that would have trimmed billions of pork from the hurricane disaster relief bill that had nothing to do with Hurricane Sandy.

“That said, two amendments that did manage to get through the rules process offered by Representatives Mick Mulvaney and Rob Bishop merit passage. The Mulvaney amendment include $17 billion of offsetting discretionary spending cuts to pay for the main bill. The Bishop amendment would prohibit any more federal land grabs under the legislation.

“Should the Mulvaney and Bishop amendments be adopted, then the entire legislation would merit passage. But if they are not added to the bill, Americans for Limited Government urges the House to vote no on this pork-laden, federal power grab.

“There is no excuse for hiding behind families whose lives were destroyed by this hurricane to pass yet another wasteful, special interest bill. The process of using disaster relief to hand out favors to special interests is despicable and must be brought to an end. It is the sort of process the American people loathe and repudiated in 2010 when they brought House Republicans into the majority.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Robert Romano at (703) 383-0880 ext. 106 or at to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.


White House gun summit a sham

Beware politicians and others who attack constitutionally protected individual freedoms.

Jan. 10, 2013, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement on today’s White House gun summit:

“Today’s White House gun summit is nothing more than a sham.  Vice President Joe Biden’s vague threat issued in front of numerous anti-gun groups that Obama would bypass Congress and act using his ‘executive’ powers reveals that this Administration is not looking at violence, but rather at ways to impose even more restrictions on law-abiding Americans.

“The larger danger is that emboldened assaults on the U.S. Constitution and the protections it provides against a tyrannical government are accelerating.  A recent opinion piece by a Georgetown law Professor published by the New York Times argues for the wholesale abandonment of the U.S. Constitution, decrying ‘all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.’

“Absent the Constitution, there is no government – only anarchy.  One cannot destroy our founding document without destroying the nation it created (or what’s left of it).   And make no mistake – once freed from any real or implied constraint, government becomes the tyranny our Founding Fathers (and most present-day Americans) fear.

“In light of this growing mindset on the left, if Obama chooses to pursue a constitutionally questionable direction, one can expect a chorus of praise from the same voices who depend upon the constitutional protection of their right to express that view.  The missed irony is that if the Constitution is destroyed, everyone’s freedom is destroyed, not just the freedom of those who are currently fashionable to attack.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Robert Romano at (703) 383-0880 ext. 106 or at to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.


Obama’s jobless ‘recovery’ continues as unemployed jumps by 164,000

Jan. 4, 2013, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement responding to today’s unemployment report:

“With the number of people unemployed jumping by 164,000, it is clear that the economy under Obama’s stewardship continues to struggle. Supposedly the recession ended in June 2009, but more than three years later, the economy is still shedding jobs, with 22.4 million who cannot full-time work, and another 5 million who have given up looking all together.

“Moreover, labor force participation remains very low at 63.6 percent, as Baby Boomers engage in early retirement and young people fail to enter the workforce. If the labor force participation rate had remained steady at the 65.7 percent level when Obama entered office, today’s unemployment rate would have come in at 10.7 percent, and the underemployed rate at 17 percent. This is a depression. We’re still dead in the water.

“This, despite trillions of dollars fiscal and monetary ‘stimulus’ by the government that was supposed to get the economy back on track.

“The American people have every right to be outraged at this pathetic performance, and now it is time for Congress to chart a new course. With the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, a sinking dollar, and a regulatory environment that would make Soviet Russia blush, the U.S. is rapidly becoming a terrible place to do business.

“Unless the cost of doing business here can be reduced, through lower taxation, reining in new health care, labor, and environmental regulations, and sound money, a robust economic recovery will continue to allude policy makers.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Rebekah Rast at (703) 383-0880 or at to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.



Don’t give Obama another blank check

Jan. 3, 2013, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement responding to the Obama Administration’s vow that it “will not have another debate with this Congress about whether or not they should pay the bills they have already racked up,” referring to an increase of the $16.394 trillion debt ceiling:

“The arrogant argument that the White House is making, that Congress is racking up all of these unsustainable increases of the national debt, and so all debt ceiling votes ought to be rubber-stamped, is a bit disingenuous. 60 percent — some $2.2 trillion — of the $3.65 trillion budget will be spent automatically without any vote in Congress this year and every year that follows. This so-called ‘mandatory’ spending — the constitutionally questionable process of baseline budgeting — is the true driver of our debt crisis.

“Also, nearly one-fifth of the House will be new members, and with the exception of former members who have regained their seats, have never voted for any of this spending. But even the ones who have been there for years have never really voted on the Social Security budget, or the Medicare budget, and on down the line, because these are not subject to the annual appropriations process. They are determined by eligibility formulas enacted in some cases decades ago.

“The fact is, the debt ceiling is the only means Congress has to have any say on whether this automatic spending will be financed. Whereas, if the Obama Administration gets what it wants — which is to eliminate the debt ceiling all together — we may as well just abolish Congress all together. Then, it will have become little more than a useless puppet theater, a means to control the masses through the illusion of representation. Why even have elections at all if representatives are not even allowed to vote on the only budgetary matters of significance?

“No matter what Obama says, Congress has to perform its constitutional duty. The Constitution empowers it, not the President, in Article 1, Section 8 to ‘borrow money on the credit of the United States’. Article 1, Section 9 states that ‘no money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.’ Contrary to what Obama seems to believe, it is not his choice whether this debate will take place. It is a debate Congress must have, and whether Obama chooses to participate in it or not is irrelevant.”


“Is ‘mandatory’ spending constitutional?” by ALG President Bill Wilson, Dec. 12, 2012 at

Interview Availability: Please contact Rebekah Rast at (703) 383-0880 or at to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.


Fiscal Heroes and Zeroes

Jan. 2, 2013, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government, a non-partisan group dedicated to limiting the size and scope of government at all levels, blasted members of Congress who voted in favor of the tax increase measure that passed both the Senate and House of Representatives on New Year’s Day.

Bill Wilson, president of the group denounced the law saying, “This so-called ‘deal’ is typical Washington, D.C., laden with pork including a subsidy for Obama’s Hollywood buddies and even NASCAR, while increasing taxes on every working American. Incredibly the law will be classified as a tax cut because it passed after the Bush tax cuts expired, so in D.C. doublespeak, politicians will claim to have cut taxes when everyone’s taxes are actually going up.”

An initial analysis of the legislation utilizing estimates from the Joint Committee on Taxation conducted by ALG showed that while the tax increases on those making more than $400,000 a year will generate approximately $30 billion in revenues a year, the cost of servicing the projected increased federal debt of $1.2 trillion will actually eat away about 88 cents of every new dollar raised.

“By avoiding actually dealing with Washington’s spending addiction, they have raised taxes to do little more than pay the increased interest on the debt over the next year. Meanwhile, the head in the sand types on Capitol Hill will be clamoring to spend this ‘new money’ on their favored special interests. We are truly through the looking glass.”


“Landing on the fiscal rocks below,” by ALG senior editor Robert Romano, Jan. 2, 2013 at

Senate roll call on H.R. 8 at

House roll call on H.R. 8 at
