Union kills Twinkie the Kid

Nov. 16, 2012, Fairfax, VA—Ding Dong, the company’s dead, the company’s dead, Ding Dong, the Hostess Company is dead.

You can almost hear the union bosses of The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union singing this song gleefully celebrating the destruction of one of America’s most enduring brands – Hostess – the maker of Twinkies, Cupcakes, Wonder Bread, and yes, the Ding Dong.

Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government (ALG), commented on this development:

“More than 18,000 workers are unemployed today because of the greed and short-sidedness of labor bosses and their followers who have chosen to destroy their own jobs rather than make concessions that would allow the company to survive.

“It is common for parasites to kill their hosts, but it rarely happens in a way where so many people can see it.  This union did what many others have done outside of the spotlight, they have forced a company to go out of business directly due to their irresponsible actions.

“No member of this union who is laid off due to this strike should receive a dime of unemployment compensation.  They are anything but victims, in fact, they are responsible for the demise of Twinkie the Kid.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Rebekah Rast at (703) 383-0880 or at rrast@getliberty.org to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.
