Spratt was asked this seemingly innocuous question by a representative of the Speaker Education Project and his answer was hardly a stirring endorsement of current speaker Nancy Pelosi. Refusing to name names, Spratt said, “Well, I’ll wait and see who my party designates. You have to know who your choices are before you declare your choice.”
Undoubtedly Spratt’s caution is fueled by various polls showing him in a re-election dead heat with his Republican opponent, where his close ties to Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have become a major campaign issue.
Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government called Spratt’s statement, “either disingenuous or a strong signal that Nancy Pelosi’s days of running the House are numbered whether the Democrats maintain control or not.”
The Speaker Education Project has been launched by Americans for Limited Government to educate the public on the Office of the Speaker of the House, including the process of electing a Speaker. Citizen activists are leading the charge by asking candidates for Congress who they are going to support for the Office of Speaker should they be elected.
Americans for Limited Government launched the Speaker Education Project and neither endorses or opposes candidates for public office. For more information on the project, please e-mail info@speakereducationproject.com.