Cruz amendment would lower taxpayer subsidies, insurance premiums, should receive favorable budget score

June 30, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today expressed support for a reported amendment by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that would allow insurers that sell federal-regulated plans to also sell plans that do not have to comply with federal regulations:

“The Cruz amendment, by virtue of allowing non-federally regulated plans to be sold in every state, would either mean there are fewer taxpayer-subsidized plans or in the very least, the potential subsidy for those particular plans covering fewer items would go down. As a result, the Cruz amendment ought to receive a favorable budget score as lowering the deficit, since by definition it must reduce federal spending. It is therefore a budgetary provision that should be allowed on the Obamacare replacement budget reconciliation bill. But beyond that, it could be the key compromise that gets this legislation across the finish line and helps to bring down health insurance premiums, through competition for all types of plans and allowing consumers to choose if they want regulated plan or not.”

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